The Da Vinci Initiative, part of a 501C3, nonprofit, educational foundation, is a mission for visual literacy in our contemporary world. With a focus on K-12 public and private schools, the goal of this project is to provide skill-based learning in art education in order to deepen the understanding and applications of the visual language that surrounds us. As part of our Outreach program,
the Da Vinci Initiative host in-person workshops throughout the country to provide meaningful professional development experiences for K-12 art teachers . Although these courses are geared towards teachers they are also appropriate for any individual who would like to advance their artistic training.
To learn more or register for DVI courses, please visit: www.davinciinitiative.org/store.html
| Introduction To Advanced Observational Drawing - Online Course |
| This class is an advanced observational drawing course comprising of 30 videos at approximately 10 minutes a piece, breaking down the drawing to the left into easy to understand segments. Approximately 5 hours of instructional footage.
To find out more about this course, please click here.
| Bargue and the 21st Century - Online Course |
| This class teaches how to complete a Bargue plate in charcoal. It consists of approximately 4-5 hours of content that is broken down into approximately 30 videos that teach skills in a methodical way. This course is appropriate for anyone wishing to learn how to draw more accurately. It can also be used directly in the classroom as a teaching aid.
To find out more about this course, please click here. |